Thursday, October 21, 2021
Speaker : Georges Reymond

Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Speaker : Georges Schürch

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022
Speaker : Paul-André Demierre

Thursday, February 24, 2022
Speakers : Chiara Bemporad & Gabriele Bucchi
In collaboration with UNIL and HEP

Monday, March 28, 2022
Speaker : Christian Merlin

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Speaker : Georges Reymond

Forum Opéra

Do you love opera? Would you like go on a journey to discover the wonders of the opera? All while supporting the Opéra de Lausanne? 

The Forum Opéra organises conferences around the Opéra de Lausanne’s season, presenting the works, history of opera, events related to each opera, trips, as well as opportunities to meet the artists.

Salon Alice Bailly de l’Opéra de Lausanne
Price: CHF 12.- / 15.- (sold on site)

For more info :  www.forum-opera.ch

With the support of : Artisans Vignerons Yvorne

UNIL Conferences

The Faculty of Arts of the University of Lausanne offers two lectures about Alcina and Eugène Onéguine, two operas of the 21/22 season.

These conferences are an opportunity to go into greater depth on some of the issues surrounding the work, providing a historical perspective on the context of creation, the musical language, the libretto and its literary sources.

Thursday, February 24, 2022, 18h45
Speakers : Chiara Bemporad & Gabriele Bucchi
Opéra de Lausanne, Salon Alice Bailly

In collaboration with Forum Opéra

Free Entry on presentation of a valid student card

Monday, March 21, 2022, 17h15
Speaker : Ekaterina Velmezova
UNIL – Dorigny Campus (Anthropole)

Free Entry

Find out more ›

Visits for the General Public

Curious to discover another side of the opera?

A few days before the premier of each show, get access behind the scenes and revel in the secrets of the opera!

Opéra de Lausanne
When : 18h to 19h15
Price: CHF 10.– per person

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The number of places are limited, so don’t forget to sign up!

Wednesdays at the Opera

Awaken your children’s curiosity…

Machinist, lighting designer, props designer, make-up artist, costume designer and of course… singer ! So many jobs essential to the creation of an opera.

The Opéra de Lausanne opens its doors to young people so that they can spend a Wednesday afternoon behind the curtain. During this visit, children will have the opportunity to meet the various people involved in the life of the Theatre, from technicians to artists. Opera will no longer hold any secrets for them!

Wednesdays at the Opéra de Lausanne

Age : 7 – 11 yrs old
When: 14h to 15h45
Price: CHF 20.- per child (visit + snack)

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Places are limited, so please be sure to sign up!

Initiation to Opera

Awaken your children’s curiosity…

We invite young music lovers to come and discover lyric art. On the programme, a 45-minute recital specially designed for them by a pianist and two singers. Funny and lyrical arias, from Mozart to Offenbach, including musicals, will be offered to them in the intimate and warm atmosphere of the Salon Alice Bailly of the Lausanne Opera.

This workshop is also intended for classes in Lausanne and Vaud schools.

Age : 4 – 6 yrs old
Single rate : CHF 30.- parent(s)/child(ren)

Wednesday, May 19, 2020 at 2.15 pm and 3.30 pm

Places are limited, so please be sure to sign up!